Escape of Mohamed Amra in Incarville (Eure): the possibility of a kidnapping on the table

Escape of Mohamed Amra in Incarville Eure the possibility of

What if Mohamed Amra’s escape was in reality a kidnapping carried out by enemy criminals? Investigators are considering this hypothesis.

The essential

  • Mohamed Amra is still wanted this Thursday, May 16, two days after the attack on two prison vans, in Eure at the Incarville tollbooth, to hide him from the police.
  • The National Fugitive Search Brigade (BNRF) and the national anti-gang BRI are deployed. In total, more than 450 police officers and gendarmes were mobilized to find the fugitive and the attackers. The stalking is also digital. Thousands of telephone lines and dozens of surveillance cameras are scrutinized.
  • Several experts on organized crime consider that the scenario of an attack carried out in support of Mohamed Amra is not necessarily the most relevant. It is also possible that the attackers released Mohamed Amra to kidnap him. “We have two hypotheses: either they are friends or allies, or they are enemies. Enemies could very well go looking for him for reasons that escape us at the moment,” said expert Thierry this Thursday. Colombié on TF1.
    “We can actually imagine, to the extent that this man is a priori in a war with a certain number of competitors, the hypothesis according to which we came to look for him for other reasons: to make him talk, to ask him for help. money”, adds expert Hugues Vigier on France 3.
  • Interpol has issued a red notice against Mohamed Amra, known as “The Fly”, to seek help from police officers beyond French borders.
  • A mission responsible for making proposals “on the transfer and extractions from the prison administration” was launched by the Law Committee of the National Assembly.


09:59 – An escape… to sequester the freed man?

“I had several conversations with big thugs, who analyzed the video. And several of them told me: ‘Look, it’s not that clear. Maybe it’s not not an escape. Maybe they came for him.” We have the impression, looking closely at this video, that Mohamed Amra does not immediately get out of the van”, analyzes for France 3 Frédéric Ploquin, specialist in organized crime on France 3. For him, “we can actually imagine, in the extent to which this man is a priori in a war with a certain number of competitors, the hypothesis according to which people came to look for him for other reasons: to make him talk, to ask him for money.

If the attackers came not in support, but for an act of revenge, the police hunt would then take a completely different turn: the investigators would not have to intervene in the case of a hunt for the fugitive. In this case, it is likely that Mohamed Amra could be eliminated.

Learn more

This Tuesday, two prison administration officers were killed and three were seriously injured during the robbery of two vans at the Incarville tollbooth in Eure. The convoy was transporting a detainee between Evreux and Rouen. This is Mohamed Amra, known as “La Mouche”, a repeat offender and sentenced to 18 months in prison suspended by the Evreux court for burglary, indicates the National Jurisdiction for the Fight against Organized Crime. He is also indicted for murder and attempted murder by an organized gang, carrying a risk of life imprisonment. This Wednesday, May 15, the hunt continues to try to get their hands on the fugitive.

“Means of international cooperation” deployed according to Darmanin

“We have put a lot of resources into finding the person who escaped and the gang that released him in despicable conditions. Means of international cooperation were put in place at the request of the President. I hope, in the days that come to question the person again, that he answers for his actions, and for the gang of murderers” indicated this morning Gérald Darmanin on RTL. “He was not the biggest offender we know of. The killing, the disproportionate means put in place to free this person, do not correspond to the biggest offender we have in our prisons. We will also have to put this person on trial. savagery which affects our society” continued the Minister of the Interior this Wednesday.

The national anti-gang BRI dispatched

The magistrates of the National Jurisdiction for the Fight against Organized Crime (Junalco) opened an investigation for “murder and attempted murder” and “organized gang escape”, entrusted to the Central Office for the Fight against Crime (OCLCO) and the Rouen judicial police. In this hunt, major means are out. National Fugitive Search Brigade (BNRF), national anti-gang BRI and the banditry suppression brigades of Rennes and Nantes are on deck.

The Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti went to meet the colleagues of the deceased to show them his support, and his determination and that of the State with the idea of ​​capturing “The Fly” – Mohamed Amra – and his accomplices, now considered “public enemies number 1”. For his part, the socialist mayor of Alençon Joaquim Pueyo, former director of the Fresnes and Fleury-Mérogis prisons, assures that “we will have to find solutions to strengthen the security of these escorts. The vehicles, the weaponry, are It is suitable for pump or assault rifles. I believe there are many reforms to be made,” he declared in the columns of Le Figaro.
