Entrepreneur? Here are the benefits to increase your pension

Entrepreneur Here are the benefits to increase your pension

In 2024, the income pension, guarantee pension and premium pension for the country’s pensioners will be increased.

Here you can read how much the pension is increased and how it affects you.

For thousands of private individuals, this means a welcome addition to the wallet every month.

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For those who, on the other hand, are not employed but instead run their own company, and at the same time are approaching retirement age, there are several ways in which you can increase your pension capital.

– Self-employed people are still allowed to make deductions for private pension savings in pension insurance or IPS, with up to 35 percent of the salary, says Nordnet Bank’s savings economist Frida Bratt.

In an interview with News24 she explains that you who run a limited company can also take advantage of other advantages that can be favorable.

– Anyone who runs a limited company can let the company save in occupational pension insurance for you, which is especially beneficial if your salary exceeds SEK 615,000 before tax per year. You can also save in a direct pension in the company, which allows the pension capital to be built up from taxed profits within the own limited company.

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But it is also possible to influence the pension in other ways. Among other things, by continuing to work even after retirement age, if the opportunity exists.

Bratt then explains that a couple of extra years in working life can affect the pension when it is time to retire.

– A big advantage, as many self-employed people see it, is the opportunity to decide on their own time and flexibility. Maybe it makes you have the stamina and want to stay a few more years in the working life. It can make a big difference to the pension in the end, she tells Nyheter24

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