Beatrice’s friend died of cervical cancer: “Gone quickly”

Every year around 150 Swedish women die as a result of cervical cancer, and Sweden wants to be first in the world to eradicate the disease by 2027.
– I want to encourage vaccination and to take cell samples, says Beatrice Svensson, who lost her friend Emma to cervical cancer eight years ago.

Sweden’s regions are gathering strength right now to mass vaccinate women born between 1994 and 1999, but things are going slower than had been hoped for.

Every year, cervical cancer affects around 500 women and around 150 lose their lives as a result of the disease.

Today it is possible to vaccinate against HPV, the virus that causes the form of cancer. But so far only 35 percent in all of Sweden have been vaccinated. To succeed in reaching the goal, at least 70 percent of those born between 94 and 99 must take their shots before the turn of the year.

– It is going too slowly and we still have so many people who get this disease. If we can make sure we get rid of it faster, then I think we have an obligation to do that too, says Joakim Dillner, professor of infectious epidemiology at the Karolinska Institutet.

Important with screening

He points out that in addition to vaccines, there are also effective HPV tests that are done to see if there are cell changes that can lead to cancer in the cervix.

Vaccination clinics that provide the vaccine are available throughout the country and in several regions they have started sending out invitations with a booked appointment.

– It is very important that you go for screening. The risk of new infection at the age of 30 is quite small, but it is very important that you go there, because you may have had it earlier in life, says Joakim Dillner.

Want to encourage others

Beatrice Svensson lost her friend Emma in 2016 to the disease.

– For her, it was an extremely tough announcement. It went quickly.

She says that knowledge about the form of cancer needs to improve and that she tells about Emma to encourage more people to get vaccinated.

– It’s something that I think Emma would have wanted.
