Elon Musk is on the agenda with his interesting traffic statement

Elon Musk is on the agenda with his interesting traffic

Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk He continues to make a sound with his statements on Twitter. This time, a traffic announcement came.

Elon Musk From Twitter “Beating traffic is the ultimate enemy battle (There is a reference to the Games). Even the strongest people in the world can’t beat traffic.In an interesting statement such as found. Musk also fully self-driving cars He also stated that the traffic will become much worse. Musk states that since people will not drive these vehicles, they will not feel pain in the process, but this does not seem very right either. Every vehicle that will be included in the traffic will increase the density, and this will increase the time spent in traffic and affect everyone badly. Self-driving vehicles, autonomous vehicles that go on the road without a real steering wheel, which are still found today, will clearly affect transportation in the future, especially in big cities. They will make it much more difficult.

The only solution to the huge traffic problems that will occur in the future is “if it can be done” It will reduce the population density in crowded places or spread it over a much wider area. For example, Istanbul’s traffic problem will not end easily unless the population decreases seriously.

Elon Musk the last time he made a sound with a statement that made a lot of noise. Speaking on Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, Musk made an interesting statement on Twitter and conveyed the following:“I hate to say it, but we need to increase oil and gas production immediately. Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. Obviously this will negatively impact Tesla, but current renewable energy solutions are not enough to immediately recoup Russia’s oil and gas exports.”


Always emphasizing the environmentalist view Elon Musk he was right here because we still have the electricity we need right now. We produce with the help of fossil fuels. Wind and solar power plants are increasing, but it is still not possible to meet all the needs completely with clean electricity.

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