Does Nesquik make you gain weight? Is Nesquik helpful or harmful?

Nesquik can be a high-calorie beverage with added sugars and can contribute to weight gain when consumed in excess. In addition, excess sugar consumption can cause obesity and other health problems in children and adults. That’s why it’s important to consume sugary drinks like Nesquik in a balanced and moderate way. For weight control, it is important to choose alternatives with fewer calories and no sugar, such as water, milk or plant-based beverages, and include snacks in a balanced diet.

Does Nesquik make you gain weight?

Nesquik is a high-calorie beverage with added sugars and can contribute to weight gain when consumed in excess. The amount of sugar and calorie value in its content are important factors to be considered in terms of weight control. Sugary drinks provide the body with large amounts of sugar quickly and can cause blood sugar to rise and fall rapidly. This can lead to a quicker feeling of hunger and excess calorie intake. At the same time, sugary drinks can affect insulin levels, stimulating fat storage processes and causing weight gain.

It is important to consume sugary drinks such as Nesquik in a balanced and moderate way. For a healthy weight management, it would be more appropriate to choose alternatives with less calories and no sugar, such as water, milk or sugar-free drinks.

Can Nesquik powder be eaten on a diet?

Nesquik powder is a product that should not be preferred in a diet program with weight loss or weight control goals. Nesquik is a high-calorie beverage with added sugars and is not suitable for a low-calorie diet. It is important to focus on low-calorie and nutritious foods when dieting. Sugary drinks can cause rapid and high calorie intake and complicate your weight loss efforts. So, including Nesquik powder in your diet may hinder your healthy weight management goals.

While dieting, it would be more appropriate to prefer lower calorie beverages such as water, unsweetened herbal teas or unsweetened milk for fluid consumption. Also, eating a healthy and balanced diet and exercising regularly will help support your weight loss or weight control goals.

Does Nesquik cereal milk make you gain weight?

Nesquik cereal is a product fortified with added sugars and caloric cereal cereals. Therefore, it can contribute to weight gain when consumed in excess. Sugary drinks and foods with added sugar provide the body with high amounts of sugar quickly and can cause blood sugar to rise and fall rapidly. This can lead to a quicker feeling of hunger and excess calorie intake.

Cornflakes also contain sugar and calories. So, consuming Nesquik cereal milk regularly and in large portions can increase your overall calorie intake and contribute to weight gain. For a healthy weight management, it is important to focus on low-calorie and nutritious foods. Instead of sugary drinks and calorie snacks, it would be more appropriate to choose less calorie alternatives such as water, milk or sugar-free drinks.

Is Nesquik helpful or harmful?

Nesquik is a beverage fortified with added sugars and chocolate powder. Therefore, it should be carefully evaluated in terms of its benefits and harms.


  • When Nesquik is mixed with milk, it allows you to benefit from the calcium, protein and other nutrients contained in milk. It can be used to develop the habit of drinking milk, especially for children.
  • Chocolate powder contains antioxidants thanks to its cocoa content. Cocoa contains natural components such as flavonoids that provide various health benefits to the body.


  • Nesquik is a product that contains added sugar. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to health problems such as weight gain, tooth decay and obesity.
  • Sugary drinks can cause blood sugar to spike and fall and increase hunger, which can lead to unnecessary calorie intake.
  • Sugary drinks such as Nesquik can be low in nutrients and substitute for other nutritious foods.

In a healthy diet, the consumption of beverages containing added sugar should be limited. It would be more appropriate to consume sugary drinks such as Nesquik rarely or in moderation. Choosing low-calorie, naturally sweetened or sugar-free alternatives will lead to a healthier eating habit. It should not be forgotten that for a healthy lifestyle, it is important to have a balanced diet, regular exercise and other healthy habits. If you have concerns about nutrition, it would be helpful to seek support from a specialist dietitian or health professional.

How many calories in 1 large bowl of Nesquik?

Because Nesquik is in the form of powdered chocolate powder, its calorie content changes when mixed with milk or water. But just to mention the calorie content of Nesquik powder, usually 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of Nesquik powder has around 60-70 calories. To specify exactly how many calories are in a large bowl of Nesquik, it is necessary to know how much Nesquik is in the bowl and what liquid has been added to it. For example, if it is prepared with milk, the calorie content of the milk should also be taken into account.
