Does it work as advertised? What is parsley, what are its benefits, how is it consumed? Does parsley make you lose weight?

Does it work as advertised What is parsley what are

Parsley is a leafy green herb called petroselinum crispumdur. It has an intense aroma and taste. Parsley is mostly grown in the Mediterranean Region of our country. Parsley is a very useful herb. Chewing parsley is said to relieve bad breath.

100 grams of parsley contains 36 calories, 56 mg of sodium, 554 mg of potassium, 133 mg of calcium, 133 mg of vitamin C, 50 mg of magnesium. It likes moist and wet soils very much. Parsley also has an important place in economic income.

In ancient times, parsley was applied directly to the skin for cracked skin, bruises and insect bites. Apart from food, parsley is also used in cosmetic products. There is not enough evidence that parsley, which is known to be beneficial for kidney stones, urinary tract infections, skin bruises, insect bites, digestive problems, problems with the menstrual process, liver problems, asthma, edema, relieves these problems.

ATTENTION BEFORE Consuming Parsley!

Parsley should be consumed in moderation as food. If it is to be taken in the form of an oral nutritional supplement, it should be used with the advice of a physician. Parsley seed oil applied to the skin can cause allergic reactions on the skin.


Half a glass of parsley meets 108 percent of daily vitamin A, 53 percent of vitamin C, 547 percent of vitamin K, 11 percent of folate, 4 percent of potassium.

It is also rich in vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health. Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins A and C.

It has antioxidant properties.


It is low in calories and can be eaten with peace of mind in weight loss diets. Parsley supports bone health. Bones need certain nutrients to stay healthy and strong. Parsley also contains vitamin K, which is essential for bone health. It is possible to get 547 percent of the daily vitamin K in half a glass of 30 grams of parsley. Vitamin K helps build stronger bones by supporting bone-forming cells called osteoblasts.

This vitamin also activates certain proteins that increase bone mineral density, a measure of the amount of minerals found in bones. Bone density is important because lower bone mineral density is associated with an increased risk of fractures, especially in older adults. Some research suggests that eating foods high in vitamin K may reduce your risk of fractures. One study found that higher vitamin K intake was associated with a 22% lower risk of fractures. Typical dietary intakes of vitamin K may be below the levels required to improve bone mineral density and reduce fracture risk. Therefore, eating foods like parsley may benefit bone health. Parsley is rich in vitamin K, a nutrient essential for optimal bone health. Eating foods high in this nutrient is linked to a reduced risk of fractures and increased bone mineral density.


Contains cancer-fighting ingredients. Parsley contains plant compounds that may have anticancer effects. Oxidative stress (a condition characterized by an imbalance in antioxidants and free radical levels) is associated with the development of certain chronic diseases, including cancer.

Parsley is rich in nutrients that protect eyes. Lutein, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin are three carotenoids that help maintain eye and dental health. Carotenoids are pigments found in plants with strong antioxidant activity.


Parsley is a plant that can be good for heart health. For example, it is a good source of the B vitamin folate, with 1/2 cup (30 grams) providing 11% of the daily requirement. High intakes of dietary folate may reduce the risk of heart disease in certain populations. Parsley is rich in folate, a B vitamin that protects the heart and may reduce your risk of heart disease.

Parsley may have antibacterial benefits. Parsley extract has been shown in some studies to have antibacterial properties. Still, more research is needed on this subject.

  • Parsley strengthens the immune system. Vitamins A, C, and K in it support immunity.
  • Edema, the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, is one of the biggest problems of everyone. Parsley also helps to get rid of edema.
  • According to studies, parsley can lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Parsley has diuretic properties. It can be useful in problems such as kidney stones.
  • Parsley protects teeth and gums and eliminates bad breath.
  • If there is no cause of serious illness, it is good against nausea and is a gas reliever.
  • Parsley refreshes, rejuvenates and beautifies the skin. It shows this effect by removing harmful chemicals from the body.


Many detox programs also include parsley juice. But if a large amount of parsley is consumed, a large amount of fluid is excreted from the body. Drinking excessive amounts of parsley juice may cause dehydration, but it will not support fat loss unless a calorie deficit is created. For this reason, a diet plan should be followed with a nutrition and diet specialist.


WHAT DOES Parsley Cure OR Parsley JUICE DO?

Parsley detox helps to get rid of edema in the body. If necessary, parsley lemon cure can also be made. However, it should not be consumed in large quantities. The need for parsley cure is decided by the nutritionist and dietitian after the necessary analyzes are made.


The recipe for parsley cure can be prepared as follows. Fresh parsley leaves and the peel of a lemon are put into 2 glasses of water. After boiling for 2 minutes, it is left to brew. After brewing for 5 minutes, it is filtered and drunk. Those who drink parsley juice often report losing weight.


However, losing weight is not only possible with such cures, but also with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. This recipe is not suitable for those who have low blood pressure problems, breastfeeding and expectant mothers.


Many people ask, “Does parsley cause miscarriage during pregnancy?” seeks the answer to the question. This is scientifically baseless information. There is no harm in consuming parsley without overdoing it.

How many calories in parsley?

Parsley is a low-calorie food. There are 36 calories in 100 grams of parsley. Therefore, it can be easily consumed in diets.


Parsley can be consumed alone or with many foods. Parsley can be easily consumed by using it as a side dish for meatballs, salads and meals. Parsley, which goes well with meat dishes, can also be drunk as tea.


Such applications should not be made without asking the physician. However, if there is no gynecological disease, it is known that drinking it before menstruation helps in removing menstruation. In the same way, there are those who use parsley cure for fatty liver. However, such herbal methods should be applied in consultation with the physician.


As with any food, parsley can cause some problems if consumed more than necessary. For example, too much parsley can cause problems such as allergies and skin rashes. The blood sugar level may drop. Blood clotting may be slowed.


In order to keep fresh parsley intact, it is necessary to pluck it from its stems. Fill a jar halfway with water and place the parsley in the jar so that the stems are in the water. If you cannot use this method, it is convenient to store it in a plastic bag. Those who store parsley in jars should change the water in the jar every two or three days, and those that change color in parsley should be discarded. Dried parsley can also be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for 6-12 months.
