Didn’t get a summer job? Here are the professions that are crying out for people

Didnt get a summer job Here are the professions that

Even though it is almost June, there are still many places that are empty to be filled until the summer. On the Employment Service’s location bank there are 31,000 job advertisements for the summer that are still out.

DO NOT MISS: Two professions where everyone gets a job with a monthly salary of SEK 51,000

Different jobs naturally require different skills – and so do summer jobs. Many require a high school diploma or high school diploma.

Regardless of what competence you think you are sitting on Michael Brilandjob seeker expert at Arbetsförmedlingen, that you should contact the job you are interested in.

– My best advice now is to contact employers you are interested in directly. Tell them that you are interested in working there and what you can offer, she says in one press release from the Employment Agency.

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The employment service stresses the importance of contacting the job you are interested in as soon as possible, and telling them what you can contribute.

Of all summer jobs registered in the period December 2023 to April 2024, a majority were in a range of professional roles. Above all in healthcare, there is a need for extra staff for the summer.

READ MORE: Here you get SEK 10,000 more for the summer job

The summer jobs that are still available

  • Nurses in home care, home health care, nursing homes and habilitation
  • Care assistants
  • Caregiver, resident supporter
  • Cleaner
  • Basic nurses
  • DO NOT MISS: The industry that is crying out for people – with 44,900 in monthly salary
