Do not do this evil to yourself! Foods that cause fatty liver

1655560076 Do not do this evil to yourself Foods that cause

Fatty liver may appear with symptoms such as decreased appetite, weakness-fatigue, yellowness of the eyes and skin, and widespread acne or rash on the skin. Fatty liver is basically classified as alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Non-alcoholic lubrication develops due to non-alcoholic causes. Obesity, high blood sugar, high blood cholesterol, liver infections and side effects of some drugs cause fatty liver. Dietitian Gözde Karaca gave information about the subject.


So what should we pay attention to if fatty liver has developed? If the person with fatty liver is overweight, he should definitely go down to his ideal weight. If there is excessive alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption should be strictly limited. If the person has a sedentary life, the level of physical activity must be increased.


It will be beneficial for people with fatty liver to consume these foods.

Coffee; Studies have shown that caffeine has positive effects on fatty liver.

The fish; Because it is rich in omega-3 and omega-3 contents, it reduces the inflammatory reaction in the liver.

Oat; Because it is rich in fiber, it supports the weight loss process and prolongs the satiety period.

Green tea; It helps to remove toxins from the body.

Purple and Red Fruits; Thanks to its antioxidant content, it limits the inflammatory reaction in the liver.

People with fatty liver are not recommended to consume these foods.

  • Alcohol
  • simple sugars
  • fries
  • Salt
  • White bread
  • Pastries
  • Delicatessen products
