Diuretic plant: list, for weight loss, hypertension, kidneys

Diuretic plant list for weight loss hypertension kidneys

Among medicinal plants, some have diuretic properties, that is to say they increase the cleansing of the kidneys.

Definition: what is a diuretic plant?

A diuretic plant has ability to increase diuresis, that is, the work of cleansing the kidneys. A diuretic plant increases urine volume and toxin concentration in urine, the kidneys filtering the blood of toxins” explains Christopher Vasey, naturopath. quackgrass, dandelion, orthosiphon, ash, pilosella, cherrytail, birch, cherrytail, blackcurrant/leaf and meadowsweet are examples of diuretic plants.

What are the most powerful diuretic plants?

The pilosella is a powerful diuretic which also has a disinfectant action on the urinary tract” indicates the naturopath. Heather and dandelion are also powerful diuretics” he teaches. However, our expert specifies that these diuretic plants do not have the same effects depending on the person who takes them.

What are diuretic plants for weight loss?

Diuretic herbs may be helpful if there is excess water in the body. This water retention mainly concerns women. Draining plants promote the loss of water trapped in cells.The diuretic plants recommended if you are retaining water are the pilosella, the orthosiphon” teaches Christopher Vasey. “Orthosiphon also stimulates metabolism” he adds. It can help you burn calories better in addition to fighting against water retention.

What are diuretic plants for the kidneys?

All diuretic plants stimulate the kidneys. “They can be used in cases of kidney sluggishness when the kidneys eliminate less than they should. This allows the kidneys to eliminate urea, creatine, uric acid” explains Christopher Vasey.

Which diuretic plants are good for hypertension?

Kidneys that malfunction due to degeneration, stenosis, or because of clogged filters from excess toxins can slow the flow of blood through the kidneys back into the bloodstream. “Blood that has difficulty passing through the kidneys puts pressure on it and the heart has to pump harder to get blood through the kidneys.” explains the naturopath. This is why the kidney pathologies promote high blood pressure or can make it worse. Diuretic herbs can improve moderate high blood pressure problems, in addition to a healthy lifestyle or medication treatments.The diuretic plants recommended if you have high blood pressure are birch, cherry tail, pilosella, ash” teaches the naturopath.

What are the dangers of diuretic plants?

Diuretic plants are gentle. They do not have the disadvantages of pharmaceutical diuretics which unbalance the mineral content of tissues” informs Christopher Vasey. However, the use of medicinal plants is not trivial and any plant can interact with drugs (anticoagulants, diuretics, hypertension, diabetes, etc.). Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. before taking a diuretic herb.

What are the contraindications of diuretic plants?

The pilosella is not recommended in case of hypotension too important. The meadowsweet is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The orthosiphon is contraindicated in cases of edema of the heart and kidneys. Dandelion is contraindicated if you suffer from gallstones

Thanks to Christopher Vasey, naturopath and author of Detoxification Manual, Editions Jouvence
