demonstration against the French presence in Africa

demonstration against the French presence in Africa

France get out! was one of the slogans heard during this march of the Fighters for Economic Freedom (EFF) party. This party, which defines itself as anti-imperialist and pan-Africanist, denounces the French presence in Africa, via the CFA franc, military bases and a supposed influence on African leaders.

With our special correspondent in Pretoria, Roman Song

South Africans, Congolese, Cameroonians, they were all united against France. Several hundred party activists gathered to demand that France leave the continent. The South African activists were even joined by representatives from French-speaking Africa.

Show the whole world the interference of France »

Malians were also present, like this small delegation dressed in t-shirts in tribute to Colonel Assimi Goïta. Mohamed Yehia Dicko is the vice-president of the High Council of Malians abroad, he explains the reasons for his presence. : “ It is also to show the whole world the often interference of France in the internal affairs of its colonies. “.

In front of the French Embassy, Julius Malema, Commander-in-Chief of the EFF party and organizer of the march, demands that the ambassador go on stage to receive a memorandum: ” Nobody is going to hit you. You killed a lot of people in Africa, why are you afraid today to go out and face Africans. Fighters! Let’s sing cause we won’t leave “.

The French ambassador taken to task

Faced with the pressure, the French ambassador to South Africa, Aurélien Lechevallier, ended up going out under escort and addressing the crowd: “ We have our disagreements, okay. Today, France is a partner of Africa and we are the friends of African nations “.

The EFF party has made eight demands, such as stopping French as an official language in Africa. France has fourteen days to respond to these requests otherwise the EFF party will implement a program ” to weaken and thwart the continued colonization of France in Africa “.

Also note the presence of Egountchi Behanzin, who came especially from France. He is the founder of the Black African Defense League (LDNA), dissolved by the French government because it is considered racist and calls for hatred.
