Cybersecurity, Acn: Italian companies exposed to risks, raise protection levels

Cybersecurity Acn Italian companies exposed to risks raise protection levels

(Finance) – The crisis Ukraine increases “i risks cybernetic to which the Italian companies that have relations with operators located in Ukrainian territory are exposed, deriving from possible damage to the digital objectives of that country “. The report comes fromAcnthe national cybersecurity agency, which calls for increasing the levels of protection of digital infrastructures.

The agency, through Csirt Italia (Computer Security Incident Response Team – in charge of the response in case of cyber-incidents), has for some time addressed the most critical bodies recommendations for raising attention levels. And now, due to the increase in state of tensionrecommends “to all subjects who use digital infrastructures in connection with the cyberspace of that country such as, for example, interconnection between information systems, cooperation software platforms, sharing of repositories, to promptly implement the precautionary measures necessary to improve resilience of its digital assets “.

Although there are currently no indicators to this effect, the significant cyber risk deriving from possible collateral impacts borne by interconnected ICT infrastructures with the Ukrainian cyberspace, with particular reference to entities, organizations and companies that have relations with Ukrainian subjects and with which telematic interconnections are in place (eg, B2B connections, users on Ukrainian networks and vice versa, sharing of repositories or collaborative platforms).

Such impacts could arise from the interconnected nature of the Internet networkas malicious actions, directed towards a part of it, can extend to contiguous infrastructures as shown by previous infections with global impact such as for example NotPetya And Wannacry. (from the website of the National Cybersecurity Agency). The operators exposed, informs the agency, can contact Csirt Italia through the methods indicated on the site to obtain more details. For all other operators it is possible to consult the general recommendations published on the same portal.
