Come watch the vertical descent of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket [Video]

Come watch the vertical descent of the SpaceX Falcon 9

Private space company owned by Elon Musk SpaceX, NROL-85 went on duty today and once again signed off on a successful job. threw.

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SpaceX, in the past hours NROL-85 within the scope of his duty Falcon 9 made a take-off with the rocket and took off the load (It is considered as a spy satellite of the USA, detailed information is not given) successfully launched into low earth orbit. One of the most striking aspects of this task was the video you can watch above. In the livestream video that showcases much of this comeback, Vertical landing of Falcon 9’s first stage and preparation for landing is actively displayed. In the video, the speed reached by the rocket on the return and how this speed is reduced for a safe landing can be clearly seen. The rocket, which is guided with the help of thrusters up to a certain level, and after a certain level with the help of titanium arms, uses its open legs on landing and can make a precise vertical landing with one last powerful ignition.

You know, vertically lowered Falcon 9 rockets can be reused in other missions. In this way, SpaceX company financial savings is getting. There are now Falcon 9s used in five or more missions.


Having a very good year in 2021 and generating huge revenues with many smooth tasks SpaceXhad recently come to the fore with its 2022 targets. According to Elon Musk’s statement, the company will have a total of 2022 It aims to perform 60 different takeoffs / missions.

This Falcon 9 providing internet from space between rocket-based missions starlink There will also be tasks to do. In the next 18 months, according to Musk The number of operational Starlink satellites will reach 4,200.. Starlink is expected to be opened in Turkey in the future, but there is still no concrete step taken in this regard.

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