Chronic diseases: the 6 best anti-inflammatory spices

Chronic diseases the 6 best anti inflammatory spices

[DIAPORAMA] Spices are excellent for enhancing the taste of a dish and bringing it originality. But they also especially have invaluable anti-inflammatory properties in this period of pandemic because they reduce the risk of suffering from severe forms of Covid-19. Dr Catherine Lacrosnière, a nutritionist, lists the best spices capable of fighting inflammation.

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, several anti-inflammatory drugs have been tested to see if they can counter the body’s overreacting inflammatory response. That which leads to the famous “cytokine storm” which causes a sudden deterioration in the health of patients. So why not imagine that an anti-inflammatory diet could also work against inflammation of the body and take care of our immunity.

On the same subject

“The inflammation we are talking about is not visible to the naked eye. It is located at a microscopic level, that of the cell. It can affect all organs: the arteries, the brain, the joints, the digestive tract. , the skin… “underlines Dr Catherine Lacrosnière, co-author of La cuisine anti-inflammatoire gourmande, to be published on November 5 with Hugo editions.

Fighting silent inflammation

This inflammation can be heard and generate pain, as in the case of diseases such as osteoarthritis for example. But it can also evolve silently, “insidiously” as underlined by Dr. Lacrosnière, and make the bed of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes. So many chronic diseases that promote complications when you are affected by the coronavirus.

Hence the importance, even the need, in this period of pandemic, to favor anti-inflammatory foods (first and foremost fruits and vegetables, of course) or to make one’s diet anti-inflammatory, by adding in dishes of spices with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

There are many spices that can take their place on the charts for anti-inflammatory foods. As such, they also have a card to play in anti-aging nutrition. Fighting against the state of chronic inflammation is also fighting against the premature aging of cells. The Indians understood this well, who granted spices a prominent place in Ayrvedic cuisine, inspired by traditional medicine.

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