Change of surname: simplified civil status

Change of surname simplified civil status

Éric Dupond-Moretti announced a law that will make it easier to change his surname to simplify the procedures for civil status, in particular for divorced mothers who do not have the same name as their children. Here is what will change.

This Sunday, December 19, Éric Dupond-Moretti announced a law aimed at simplify the change of surname in the civil status. A real breakthrough that will allow the child to wear “as usual, the name of the mother, either by bearing only her name, or we will add the name of the mother to that of the father, or we will modify the order of the surnames“, explained the Keeper of the Seals to Elle magazine. Children over the age of 13 will be able to give their consent, and both parents will have to validate the surname carried by the child.. Nevertheless, “in the absence of this agreement, there will be recourse to the judge” he specified.

Change of surname: what does this law change?

This bill is a small revolution, in particular for single and divorced mothers who are raising their children on their own, without the latter having the same name as them. When their child bears the father’s name, they “must justify (their) maternity and show (their) family record book” at each administrative step, specifies the Minister of Justice, who qualifies this action as “humiliating”.

He also takes the example children who wish to no longer bear the last name of a parent who has been abused or absent. In such a situation, it will then no longer be necessary to go to an administrative tribunal. A simple Cerfa declaration to the town hall’s civil status will suffice. “Wearing a name that you don’t like, the name of your executioner, going through very long name change trials, with refusals, this is no longer acceptable” reacted on social networks Marine Gatineau-Dupré , founder of the collective Porte mon nom.

From the age of 18, each French should be able to “choose his last name to keep that of his mother only, that of his father, or both, in the sense that we wish “specified Éric Dupond-Moretti

From when can we change our name more easily?

This bill brought by the deputy for Hérault Patrick Vignal (LREM) could apply from July 1, 2022 if it were adopted.
