Category: Life & Health
Dance: “Extreme bodies” by Rachid Ouramdane, to “advance the knowledge of humanity”
The choreographer Rachid Ouramdane, director of the Théâtre de Chaillot, grew up in the mountains and was able to observe mountaineers on the peaks. In his last show, extreme bodies,…
The pollutants involved in male infertility?
News Posted on 06/13/2022 at 9:28 p.m., Reading 1 min. About 7% of men are affected by infertility, which continues to increase in Western countries. To better understand its causes,…
More beautiful life of June 22, 2022: Threatened Barbara, spoilers
MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE SPOILERS. In episode 4563 of Plus belle la vie of Wednesday June 22, 2022, Barbara is followed by a stranger in the street. Summary in advance and…
Harry Styles already makes you cry in the teaser trailer
While Netflix is currently putting out big films on a weekly basis, the streaming program on Amazon Prime is still looking a bit thin this year. However, the freshly released…
New Variant Covid BA.5: common symptoms
The Covid BA.5 variant, a sub-lineage of Omicron, is gradually replacing BA.2 in France and represents 24% of positive Covid tests. It could lead to loss of taste and smell.…
Huge new trailer hints at dark finale
As is well known, the 4th season of Stranger Things was released in 2 parts on Netflix. The second part will follow in just under a week and a half.…
The pot with Fanicko, Santrinos Raphael and Jenny Hippocrate
In the pot, we welcome the Beninese singer Fanicko on the occasion of his international tour. the Fanicko Tour 2022 started in Ivory Coast on February 25. He will be…
Start, cast and plot at a glance
The 3rd season of The Boys is running on Amazon, 5 episodes are already online and the next is Herogasm. The creative people behind the superhero series throw superlatives around:…
It reduces the risk of cancer by 44 percent! Here are 7 miraculous foods…
Cancer risk is both genetic and environmental. As it is known, there is no sure way to prevent cancer. However, avoiding negative habits and foods that can cause cancer risk…
Covid France figures: +29% incidence rate, hospitalizations
LATEST CORONAVIRUS FIGURES. There is a resumption of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus epidemic. The incidence rate increases by 29% and hospitalizations are up slightly. Cases, statistics, resuscitation, hospitalizations, vaccination: report as…