Category: Life & Health
Experts warned! How to distinguish fake honey from real? Apply these techniques
Trusted Product Platform Advisory Board Chairman Dr. Aslı Elif Tanuğur Samancı warned of fake honey. Samancı said, “Real honey crystallizes. There is no such change in fake honey. Real honey…
Elvis, the epic of the King – You will tell me about it
Elvis Presley told through an illustrated biography by twenty comic book authors. This is the first book in a new collection, Pop Icons, dedicated to the biographies of the greatest…
This population of polar bears is best able to survive melting ice
This map shows the distribution of the 19 current polar bear subpopulations, with colored dots indicating the location of other samples used in the analysis. The new population in southeast…
Where are the highest waves in the world found?
On vacation by the ocean, children – and adults – love to play with the waves. They attract and they repel. Sometimes they make you lose your mind. However, they…
Bouygues Telecom creates a surprise by launching the first Internet box using fixed 5G for individuals in France. With the key, a speed worthy of fiber and Wi-Fi 6 for subscribers located in covered areas.
Bouygues Telecom creates a surprise by launching the first Internet box using fixed 5G for individuals in France. With the key, a speed worthy of fiber and Wi-Fi 6 for…
Jean-Yves Lafesse died at the age of 64 from Charcot’s disease
French comedian Jean-Yves Lafesse real name Jean-Yves Lambert, died of Charcot’s disease on July 22, 2021, at the age of 64, in Brittany (Vannes). The diagnosis had fallen a year…
Chris Evans talks about surprisingly different Marvel returns
Chris Evans last starred as Captain America three years ago. In Avengers 4: Endgame he delivered his farewell performance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite one emotional final scene fans…
There are people who eat half of them in one sitting… Watermelon warning from experts
Nutrition and Diet Specialist Rabia Özaslan, who stated that ice creams, especially summer fruits, are consumed during the summer period, said, “Nutrition begins to show diversity and difference in summer…
Perineal rehabilitation: how to remuscle your perineum?…
After pregnancy and childbirth, the perineum needs appropriate rehabilitation. If the help of a midwife or a physiotherapist is recommended, some accessories are designed for perineal rehabilitation. Here are a…
François finalist of Koh Lanta: “I was at the end” [INTERVIEW]
He is the candidate who has won the most individual events this year, François is in the final of Koh Lanta, the cursed totem. The Montpellier firefighter comes back to…