Category: General
For the forests, too much… it’s too much!
Forests are seen as those that could help us limit global warming. But researchers warn us today. There comes a time when too much — too hot or too dry…
Covid-19 increases the risk of blood clots up to 6 months after infection
News Published 23 hours ago, Reading 1 min. Covid-19 increases the risk of developing serious blood clots for up to six months after infection, shows a study published Thursday in…
Easter holidays 2022: spring weather, dates, where to go
EASTER HOLIDAYS. School holidays begin this Saturday, April 9, 2022 for students in zone B in France. Which destinations are popular with the French? Where to go? What dates for…
Staffing shortage leads to reduced hours at St. Marys Memorial Hospital emergency department
News Local News Operating hours at the St. Marys Memorial Hospital emergency department will be reduced to between 7 am and 6 pm from April 9-13 because of a staffing…
Interesting claim for the new Tomb Raider game
The new Tomb Raider game may be led by Days Gone director Jeff Ross, who recently joined Crystal Dynamics. Crystal Dynamics has added a new name to its team today.…
Updated details about the new Nissan Qashqai e-POWER announced
New Nissan Qashqai The innovative e-POWER 100% electric drive motor system, which will be used for the first time in the model, excited everyone with its technical details. The new…
an excellent start to the cinema, it doubles the admissions of Morbius
On March 30, two big blockbusters calibrated for an audience in love with video games and pop culture were released in cinemas in France. On one side was Morbius from…
FS Group and intermodality, the first Parkin ‘Station inaugurated in Milano Centrale
(Finance) – Presented in Milan on Parkin ‘Stationa rest area and modal interchange, capable of hosting up to 425 cars, built by Grandi Stazioni Rail, a company of the FS…
Rins: “I’ve seen Marquez well”
The starting fifth place Alex Rins Friday’s GP of the Americas does not reflect the reality of his potential with a view to Sunday’s race, because he was the driver…
‘Supervisors of educational institutions sometimes significantly increase their own remuneration’
AOb director Douwe van der Zweep states that the remuneration must be in balance with other employees in the sector. “I find it strange that there is a group that…