Category: Finance
Wall Street in red. Heavy fall for the Nasdaq
(Finance) – The falls on the American stock market continue, with the strongest decline still being that of Nasdaq, entered into correction and weighed down by the collapse of Netflix,…
Gismondi 1754, revenues up 48% in 2021
(Finance) – Gismondi 1754 reported a revenue total consolidated operational management equal to € 3,996,320 in fourth quarter of 2021, up by 28.51% compared to € 3,109,850 in the fourth…
Land registry reform, Spaziani Testa: “Strongly patrimonial approach”
(Finance) – “The Government has put in black and white that the revision it proposes has the specific purpose of preparing a further increase in the already excessive taxation on…
MEF, up to 4.75 billion short and indexed BTPs at auction
(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has announced the issue of Short Term BTPs, maturing on 29 November 2023 and for an amount of 3.25-3.75 billion euros,…
Syria, Aeroporti di Roma welcomes little Mustafà
(Finance) – They are landed at the Leonardo da Vinci airport in Rome with a scheduled flight from Istanbul around 5 pm and they are now expected in Siena where…
Inflation, Yellen: substantial slowdown expected next year
(Finance) – The US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen she said to herself optimistic about the US economic recovery, as inflation is expected to decline over the course of 2022 and…
Commerzbank, new provisions but expects a positive net result for 2021
Commerzbanka major German bank, said the Polish subsidiary mBank made provisions for the fourth quarter of 2021 on foreign currency indexed loan agreements for an amount of PLN 2,006 million…
Dear Energy, ANFIA: “Insufficient measures. Structural intervention is needed”
The measures provided for by the Sostegni decree do not satisfy the associations. After perplexities expressed today by Confartigianato and CNA also Assolombarda And Anfia, the national association of the…