MEF, up to 4.75 billion short and indexed BTPs at auction

MEF up to 475 billion short and indexed BTPs at

(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has announced the issue of Short Term BTPs, maturing on 29 November 2023 and for an amount of 3.25-3.75 billion euros, BTP € i 5 Years, deadline May 15, 2026, e BTP € i 30 Years, maturing 15 September 2041. The latter two government bonds will be issued for an amount of 750-1,000 million euros. The Treasury emphasizes that the two index-linked securities are issued for a quantity within a joint offer interval and therefore the amount offered – both minimum and maximum – is to be understood as a total for the two securities.

The titles go in auction Wednesday 26 January. The date of regulation it’s January 28th. The placement mechanism used will be that of the marginal auction with discretionary determination of the allotment price and of the quantity issued within the aforementioned issue intervals.
