Big differences in the Swedes’ most important questions ahead of the election

The Tidö parties’ voters prioritize immigration and crime, while the opposition’s voters focus on the environment and human rights. In the run-up to the EU elections, there are big differences in which issues people think are most important, depending on one’s party affiliation.

Compared to the 2019 EU elections, crime and defense have become significantly more important issues for Swedish voters, shows a new survey from the company Verian. The issues are particularly important to Tidö parties’ voters, while the opposition’s voters instead prioritize the environment and human rights.

Political scientist Sören Holmberg believes that issues of crime and defense take a bigger place in the debate, which may benefit the Tidö bloc in the election, because these are issues in which the parties have profiled themselves more.

– This survey indicates that in Sweden, if it applies now in two weeks, things will go well for the governing parties, especially the Sweden Democrats. Relative to what they had in 2019, says political scientist Sören Holmberg.

Opened to early voting

During Wednesday, the City Library in Gothenburg opened up for early voting, and for many voters it was the climate and the environment that were prioritized.

– Yes, the environment is very important, I think. And there are many who talk about the environment, but above all certain parties, says Jenny Göransson.

Claes Alexandersson used an election compass to decide how to vote.

– Then it’s like that, for example, “should the EU have greater influence over this and that”. And then there is a lot there that I don’t think they should have more influence over, but there are things that they absolutely should have more influence over. For example, the environment, he says.
