Best Programming Languages ​​2022

Best Programming Languages ​​2022

A programming language, to instruct computers to perform certain tasks; refers to the means of communication used by people. These languages ​​use certain coding to create programs to perform specific tasks. Software programming is a lucrative career option. According to the survey, programming jobs are expected to increase by 21% by 2028. wikipedia, about 700 programming languages claims to be. In this article we best programming languages we have compiled for you.

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Ruby / Ruby on Rails

Ruby is an open source programming language that stands out for its simplicity. In addition, Rails is a plugin framework that simplifies the creation of web applications built in the Ruby language. This language is the basis of many applications that you use in your daily life. Its language structure is very close to JavaScript. Applications such as GitHub, Airbnb, Twitter (front-end), Twitch, SoundCloud, Zendesk are actively using Ruby.


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Java, the most common way to build Android apps; Created by Sun Microsystems and used today for databases, Android applications, computer applications, and more. Java; It is a simple, modern, object-oriented, user-friendly and fast application development tool with type protection. It has all the skills of a general purpose language. And it is a language that has taken the good features of C and C++ languages. As an extra, it has the ability to work on many platforms.


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C++, an Object-Oriented programming language, has always been one of the most widely used languages ​​since its development. Especially when it comes to performance, C++ is one of the first choices. Because it is a language that is updated much more frequently when compared to other programming languages. It is still actively used as it is used as the main language in many games, operating systems and applications.


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Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to use and good in every field, and it continues to grow. In addition to the execution of many artificial intelligence studies in the world over Python, YouTube; Platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest are also developed with Python.


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Although Python and JavaScript have taken their place in recent years; The main task of PHP, which was the most popular back-end programming language until a few years ago, is to control the background processes, events and produce results. Simple blog sites developed rapidly with a web-based programming language such as PHP; It’s possible to do anything from Facebook, Twitter, WordPress and constantly evolving websites like online games.


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SQL stands for structured query language and is actually a database management system. It allows us to perform operations on the data during the query. It allows you to deal with large amounts of data by accessing and managing databases. Applications and computer programs with large data can easily be managed by using the SQL system.


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Although not technically a programming language, we can define HTML, which is the basis of the structure of each website, as a “markup language”. With this markup language, text, video and image changes are made on the websites as desired, and the pages are connected to each other. In this way, an image is created in the web browser as desired.

Java Scripts

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Used in both the public and private sectors, JavaScript is the most popular language used on GitHub. In addition to being one of the most used software languages ​​by enabling developers to create interactive elements on websites, it is also used in the Internet of Things and some game development areas.


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We can say that a pre-designed list of commands for Bash is declared to an operating system to run automatically. Thanks to Bash, processes can be automated without the need for user intervention for frequently encountered situations. For example, a program can be written that checks all the files of your system at certain times every day and takes a backup of only the ones that have changed from the previous day.


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Cascading Style Sheets or CSS, in Turkish, is a widely used programming language for designing websites and browser-based applications. Styles are used to define how an HTML element will look, to change the image quickly and effectively. It does not create code redundancy on your website.
