Benefits of jujube: hypertension, liver, diabetes

Benefits of jujube hypertension liver diabetes

Native to China, jujube is an exotic fruit that is packed with health benefits. About diabetes? Hypertension? Liver ? How to consume it? What are its dangers? Its contraindications? Answers from Françoise Couic-Marinier, doctor of pharmacy and expert in aromatherapy.

What is jujube?

THE jujube is the fruit of jujubea tall fruit tree grown in China. It belongs to the Rhamnaceae family. Nicknamed Chinese red datethe jujube is very sweet. Its color varies from green to black depending on its maturity. It can be eaten both plain and incorporated into dishes for sweet and savory flavors or in the form of jam. Despite the fact that it is caloric, the jujube has many nutritional virtues. In France, it is mainly found in its dried formespecially online or in organic stores.

What are the benefits of jujube?

The jujube is rich in fiber, which promote intestinal transit and contribute to digestive well-being. Fibers also help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol. Rich in vitamin Cjujube boosts the immune system, protects cells against premature aging, and participate in the wound healing“, explains Françoise Couic-Marinier.

Is jujube effective against hypertension?

Although it has not been scientifically proven, the jujube would have virtues hypotensive. The drugs prescribed by your doctor should never be substituted by fruits or plants, whatever the virtues attributed to them.“, indicates the pharmacist expert in aromatherapy.

Is jujube effective against diabetes?

The data available on the subject are not consistent. Some say jujube is good for diabetes, others say it should be avoided.“, nuances our interlocutor.

Beneficial for the liver?

In China, jujube is recommended to strengthen the liver and reduce inflammation. In this specific case, the fruit should preferably be eaten in the form of an infusioninforms Françoise Couic-Marinier.

Jujube can be eaten plain, with or without skin. When fully ripe, its taste is similar to that of date. It is also eaten in the form of juice, jam or compote. The jujube can also be eaten in a lamb tagine, a cake or a fruit salad.

What are the side effects of jujube?

Consumed in excessive quantities, jujube can be responsible for diarrhoea.

What are the contraindications?

While jujube has many health benefits, it is not recommended for people with digestive disorders as it can cause cramps, bloating and other intestinal disorders. In case of pregnancy or drug treatment, it is best to seek medical advice before consuming jujube.

Thanks to Françoise Couic-Marinier, doctor of pharmacy and expert in aromatherapy
