Be sure to check before you flush! You may need to go to the doctor

Be sure to check before you flush You may need

When you go to the bathroom, you probably finish quickly, flush, wash and dry your hands and leave. In fact, it may be beneficial for your health if you take a look at the toilet before you flush it. Normally, urine consists of 95 percent water and 5 percent other compounds. If you are in good health, drink enough water, and eat properly, your urine will be a lemonade-like color and not smelly. If your urine is as clean as water, you may be drinking too much water. However, when something does happen, odors can start to emerge and the pee can change color. If you have one or more of these symptoms, it may be a good idea to make a doctor’s appointment.


If the urine emits a sweet, fruity odor, it may mean something is wrong with your body. This type of smell can be a sign of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to transfer sugar into cells, so excess sugar remains in the bloodstream. Excess sugar eventually gets into your urine and causes an increase in urine volume with a sweet odor. You should see a doctor immediately if you start to go to the toilet more often in addition to the smell of urine.


You may be familiar with the smell of ammonia from cleaning products or scented salts. If your urine starts to smell like ammonia, this may be a cause for concern. Ammonia-smelling urine may indicate liver disease.

Nobody likes the smell of rotten eggs. If your urine smells like rotten eggs, you should go to the doctor immediately. According to experts, this type of odor may be a sign of coli bacillus.


If you are not on your period and your urine is red, think about what you eat first. Your urine will also be red after eating blood-colored fruits and vegetables such as beets and blackberries. But if you haven’t eaten, you may be facing the problem of kidney stones.


If the urine color is green or blue, you may have a bacterial infection.

If your urine is orange, it may indicate dehydration. If you have urinated orange, try to remember the last time you drank water.
