Bad weather, UniCredit room for a 1 billion euro plafond

Bad weather UniCredit room for a 1 billion euro plafond

(Finance) – New initiatives are added to what has already been launched in recent days: Unicredit expands the package of extraordinary interventions in favor of citizens and businesses in the provinces of Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimini and Forlì-Cesena in Emilia-Romagna, the provinces of Ancona and Pesaro and Urbino in the Marches and the province of Florence in Tuscany, affected by heavy rainfall which caused extensive damage.

The bank – explains the note in fact, it has allocated a dedicated ceiling of 1 billion euro available to companies which, by presenting a self-certification in relation to the damages suffered as a result of the heavy rainfall of recent days, will be able to apply for unsecured and mortgage loans with a special pre-amortisation of up to 36 months. These loans may be assisted by public guarantees (Fondo di Garanzia per le PMI and SACE).

Furthermore, until 31 December, the POS fee has been canceled for companies with outlets in the affected provinces. The exemption of commissions for payments under 15 euros, for companies with a turnover of up to 5 million, is already active throughout the national territory until 30 June. A 12-month moratorium on mortgage and unsecured loan installments and the “New business credit package” with unsecured/mortgage credit lines at favorable conditions are available for business customers with registered/operating offices in the affected areas.

One is already active for all private customers residing in the affected territories 12-month moratorium on mortgage loan installments and a loan with a subsidized rate is available.

“We want to support all our customers who are suffering damage and experiencing moments of extraordinary difficulty with their families due to the ongoing emergency. Through this concrete intervention, we can provide the financial support needed to help them get back to normal quickly. This action is a further sign of UniCredit’s attention and commitment towards its customers, the communities and the territories in which it operates”, declared Andrew Orcel, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Italy of UniCredit.
