Baarn reassures local residents after making a mistake in concerts, but how could it be better?

Elvis or BLOF may be canceled at Soestdijk Palace due

Sunday was the conclusion of the Royal Park Live concert series. Both BLØF and Bouke & The Elvis Matters gave a concert at Soestdijk Palace. 5,000 tickets were sold for both performances, making a total of 10,000. According to the zoning plan, a maximum of 5000 visitors per day are allowed. That is why nature organizations Stichting Behoud de Eemvallei and Stichting Behoud het Borrebos objected.

The municipality acknowledged that a mistake had been made, but eventually decided that both concerts could go ahead. After weighing up the various interests, Baarn thought that was the best solution.

Kees Koolmees of the Behoud de Eemvallei foundation is very angry about the state of affairs and has already announced that he will go to court. “In the meantime, we are working on putting a report on paper and then we will go to the police.”
