the World Bank announces to resume disbursements suspended after the July putsch

the World Bank announces to resume disbursements suspended after the

The World Bank announced on Friday May 17 that it would resume its disbursements in Niger to relaunch important projects. The organization suspended its disbursements on August 2, just after the coup. According to a source contacted by AFP, this resumption of disbursements is explained by the settlement of Nigerien debts.

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The clearance of these debts was a condition for the resumption of disbursements. It is now done. Result : ” Disbursements on all existing World Bank projects are expected to resume in the coming days », Indicates the press service of the institution in Niamey contacted by Agence France Presse.

These disbursements were suspended last August following the coup d’état. The World Bank then said: alarmed by efforts to overthrow the democratically elected government “.

These disbursements should make it possible to relaunch important projects, like that of the Kandadji hydroelectric dam west of Niameyproject which was paralyzed for months in the absence of funding. THE ” some interruptions » of funding allocated “ especially large infrastructure projects », notes the World Bank. However, she considers that “ for the majority of projects, the authorities continued, in one way or another, their implementation “.

This resumption of disbursements is good news for Niamey. And for good reason: in 2022, the institution had spent no less than 1.5 billion dollars in Niger in its various aid programs.

For economist Ibrahim Adamou Louché, “ It’s good news “, because ” the suspension of international aid represented a considerable shortfall for public finances”, “become bloodless”. But according to him, “ everything suggests that » disbursements will be conditional on “ attention ” has a ” return to constitutional order “.

According to economist Ibrahim Adamou Louché, “everything suggests that” the World Bank will make “a return to constitutional order a precondition” and will condition disbursements

Pierre Firtion

Read also“The policies of the IMF and the World Bank are inadequate to fight against inequalities” according to Oxfam
