Avatar director James Cameron shocks with new statements about the future

Avatar director James Cameron shocks with new statements about the

Did James Cameron take on too much? The blockbuster king of Hollywood is finally bringing the sequel to his 3D revolution Avatar to cinemas at the end of the year. The director also filmed part 3 right away, even while it was already there Avatar 4 and 5 launch dates are fixed.

In a new interview, however, Cameron sounds exhausted and puts one up significant change for the Avatar future in prospect.

Check out the amazing Avatar 2 trailer:

Avatar: The Way of Water – Teaser Trailer (German) HD

Avatar 4 and 5 could come without James Cameron directing

The avatar mastermind speaks to Empire about the extreme effort that the blockbusters require. After parts 2 and 3 are already in the can, Cameron can focus on the other two sequels other people behind the camera introduce:

The Avatar movies themselves are challenging in all ways. I’m also developing some other things that are exciting. I think at some point – I don’t know if it’s after three or four – I want that Passing the baton to a directorwhich I trust so I can do some other stuff that interests me as well.

100% safe However, the director is not sure about this project either, because he adds:

Or maybe not. I do not know.

So it remains to be seen if James Cameron can really detach from his heart project or still turns part 4 and 5 of Avatar. Without him, the future of the sci-fi series is likely to take a significantly different shape.

But first we can look forward to Avatar 2: The Way of Water. The long-awaited sequel starts on December 14th in German cinemas.

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Can you imagine Avatar sequels without James Cameron directing?
