Argentinians demonstrate en masse against the “mega-decree” which deregularizes labor law

Argentinians demonstrate en masse against the mega decree which deregularizes labor

In Argentina, the “ mega-decree », as the local press calls it, comes into force on Friday December 29. Among the approximately 300 changes to legal rules it contains, this text notably weakens the protection of workers, provoking the anger of Argentines, while President Javier Milei has just come to power. Unions have filed legal appeals and for several days, at their call, thousands have taken to the streets of Buenos Aires.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Marine Lebègue

Many Argentinians do not want this “ mega-decree » and they make it known: since President Javier Milei signed it 9 days ago, they have already gone out to demonstrate three times and by the thousands. Like Julio Velazquez, leader of the Textile Industries Union: “ Coming to demonstrate is the only way for this president to listen to us. »

Among other things, the decree modifies severance pay, removes fines for illegal work, extends trial periods: workers are therefore less protected, according to the demonstrators. Víctor Hugo Robledo, member of the metalworkers’ union, takes to the streets to avoid seeing history repeat itself. He recalls that in the 1990s, Argentine governments privatized and carried out liberal reforms that undermined workers’ rights.

I am over 50 years old, and I can tell you that I experienced it, in 1990 and then in 2001, when these policies were already applied », indignant Hugo Robledo.

However, the Argentine president does not seem willing to reverse course: on the contrary, he sends other reform projects in Parliament, which do not only affect labor law. He intends to modify the electoral system and the operation of pensions, but also to toughen criminal sanctions for people arrested during protests.

The Argentine Parliament can decide to repeal the “ mega-decree » if it achieves an absolute majority. But this would require alliances, because no party holds it.
