Alcohol and pregnancy: first awareness campaign in the Paris metro

Alcohol and pregnancy first awareness campaign in the Paris metro

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting section (baby, pregnancy, family)

    shutterstock 1418003342

    From November 29 to December 5, SAF France is unveiling its very first awareness campaign in the Paris metro. The latter highlights the issue of alcohol during pregnancy, thus anticipating the end-of-year celebrations, conducive to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    According to the latest OpinionWay survey for SAF France, only around 1/3 of parents say they are sufficiently informed about the risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy… But around 5% say they are not at all informed. It is in this context of lack of awareness of the risks linked to alcohol consumption during pregnancy that SAF France is unveiling its first awareness campaign in the Paris metro.

    38% of women in Ile de France admit to consuming alcohol during their pregnancy

    Still according to the OpinionWay survey for SAF France, 7% of Reunion Island women admit to consuming alcohol during their known pregnancy, this figure tragically rises to 27% nationally, and even to 38% in Île-de-France. This alarming figure in Île-de-France highlights the need for immediate and targeted action to inform and raise awareness among the public about the risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy. SAF France has therefore decided to broadcast an awareness campaign in the Paris metro in order to reach a wide audience. This campaign will highlight key messages about the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy. It also comes as the end-of-year holidays approach, a period conducive to excesses, particularly alcohol consumption. “Our objective is to raise awareness among future parents in Île-de-France, where we know that the level of stress is also higher, about the devastating consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy”, declares Dr. Denis Lamblin, President of SAF France in a press release: “It is essential to understand that FAS and other FASDs are entirely preventable, and we hope that this campaign will encourage people to become informed and take more action, especially in times of end of year when alcohol consumption is most favorable.”

    15,000 children are born with disorders caused by fetal alcohol in France

    While many parents are aware that it is preferable to stop all alcohol consumption during pregnancy, others, however, are unaware of the consequences of such consumption. Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes alcohol poisoning of the embryo or fetus which can disrupt the development of all organs, especially the brain. The risks for the unborn baby appear from the first drop of alcoholic beverage and from conception. The larger the quantities, the greater the risks. The most severe consequence is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) including growth delays, malformations (heart, eyes, kidneys, etc. and brain with possible consequences: intellectual disability, cognitive disorders, epilepsy, autism, etc.). FAS affects 1 in 1000 children.

    Other Fetal Alcohol Disorders (FASD) affect more than 2 children in 100. They include cognitive and behavioral disorders linked to brain damage: DYS disorders especially dyscalculia, attention with impulsiveness and hyperactivity, memory, self-control, empathy, emotion regulation and social adaptation. They are often responsible for academic failure and encourage delinquency. These disorders do not occur until long after birth and are therefore not attributed to alcohol exposure in utero.

    FASD represents the first preventable non-genetic neurodevelopmental disease.


    “Zero alcohol during pregnancy”, an essential message

    If the SAF France campaign highlights the issue of alcohol during pregnancy with the following message “during pregnancy alcohol = danger”, Public Health France also recalls its flagship message “zero alcohol during pregnancy”. If you are expecting a child and you consume alcohol, it is essential to try everything to stop this consumption because alcohol is toxic for your baby, particularly in the event of heavy alcohol consumption. If you have difficulty controlling your consumption, get help and talk to a health professional. There are structures dedicated to alcoholism and professionals specializing in supporting pregnant women in difficulty with alcohol, who will not judge you and will welcome you with kindness.
