After the historic change of throne – it is now waiting for Margrethe

Queen Margrethe II has abdicated and son Frederik X is officially King of Denmark.

After a day of festivities, a new everyday life awaits both the king and the queen.

– I think she will devote herself to her hobbies, says former court marshal Elisabeth Tarras Wahlberg.

Queen Margrethe II has abdicated after 52 years on the throne, and now it is instead her son, Frederik X, who takes over the royal baton.

The historic change of throne was carried out during the afternoon, when hundreds of thousands of Danes took to the streets of Copenhagen. The day’s festivities ended with a record-breaking fireworks display from Tivoli Gardens in central Copenhagen.

But what really awaits next?

“More modern”

Johan T Lindwall, editor-in-chief of Svensk Damtidning, believes that the Danish royal house will have a more modern touch going forward.

– I think it will be more modern, that it will be more youthful, and the ties to Sweden will be even stronger since with Crown Princess Victoria, he says in Efter fem.

When Margrethe II underwent back surgery last year, Frederik X took over the role of head of state, so he has already had time to warm up for what is to come. For Margrethe II, however, a completely new everyday life awaits, both Johan T Lindwall and former court marshal Elisabeth Tarras Wahlberg believe.

– The advantage when you abdicate and are still alive is that you can benefit and enjoy being able to continue being what you were, but perhaps not having to work as much as before, says Johan T Lindwall.

– I think she will devote herself to her hobbies. She will do translations, she will illustrate books, she will draw, paint and devote herself to textile art, says Elisabeth Tarras Wahlberg.

Double queens

Furthermore, Margrethe II will retain the title of queen, which means that Denmark has two queens. This has not happened since the reign of Christian IV in the 17th century, when Queen Anna and Queen Christina were both reigning queens for a short period.

– She will be on standby, in the background, and retain the title of queen. So now we will have something unique with two queens in Denmark, Mary and Margrethe, and it’s a bit cool, says Johan T Lindwall.

Today 19:08

“The ties to Sweden are getting stronger” – historic change of throne in Denmark

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