Accountants, annual report published: membership and income growing

Accountants document on sustainability governance and finance published

(Finance) – During 2023, the Register of Accountants records the entry of 1,864 new members and 161 new professional companies. Compared to 2007, the year in which the single register of doctors and accountants was officially launched on 1 January 2008, members increased by 12%, reaching the figure of 120,424. In sixteen years, the Register has grown by almost 13 thousand units, while the members of the category’s social security funds have increased by over 21 thousand units, at a rate of almost 27% compared to 2007: these are some of the main data that emerge from the new edition of the annual report on the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, published by the National Research Foundation of the category.

In the last two years, i.e. in the post-pandemic two-year period, the average income of accountants has grown di almost the 18% in nominal termsi (+9.3% in 2022 and +7.6% in 2023) and 2.2% in real terms, i.e. net of inflation. This is a significant recovery compared to the pre-pandemic period even if the comparison with 2008, net of inflation, is still negative (-8.4%). The overall dynamics of those registered in the Register is characterized by growth in the North (+0.8%) and a decline in numbers registered in the South (-0.6%), while in the Center there is an almost stationary trend (+0. 1%).

In detail: iThe average net professional income of accountants in 2023 increased by 7.6%, a little less than the +9.3% of the previous year. The average value rose to 73,277 euros, while the median income grew by 6.9% to 41,974 euros, equal to 57.3% of the average income, a slight decrease compared to 57.6% the year before. Compared to 2008, the average net professional income increased by 22.4%, while the same expressed in real terms, i.e. net of inflation, decreased by 8.4%. Most of the increase in average income occurred in the last two years (+18%), i.e. in the post-pandemic period, favored both by the economic rebound and by the increase in the inflation rate.

Despite the negative trend in the world of freelance professions in general, those registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Expertsthey increased by 143 units equal to a percentage growth of 0.1% over 2022. In sixteen years, those registered in the Register have increased by 12,925 units, +12% compared to 2007. In the same period, the Italian population increased by 0.8%, while the number of active businesses decreased by 1.5%. This resulted in a significant decline in the ratio between the population and members, which went from 555 to 490 in sixteen years, and in the ratio between active businesses and members, which in the same period went from 48 to 45. At the end of 2023, the share of women rose to 33.8%, while the share of young people, however, rose to 14.7%.

As already in 2022, those registered in the Register of Practitioners continued to decrease (-9.9% compared to -8.4% in 2022), reaching 11,522. The drop in absolute value was 1,259 members. The decrease was particularly high in the South (-13.1%) compared to the North (-5.2%) and the Center (-9.6%). Only the data for the Islands bucked the trend (+1.3%), while in the southern regions there was a sharp decline (-15%).

Accounting experts: slow down the pace of register members in section B – During 2023, the growth in absolute value of those registered in section B of the Register was 58 units equal to +2.7% compared to +9.5% a year earlier. The slowdown is particularly marked in the northern regions (+2.5% compared to +12.7% a year earlier), but also in the central regions (+4.8% compared to 13.1% in 2022). The trend of members was good in Lombardy (+4.8%) and Lazio (+9.7%). Of note, however, is a reversal in the southern regions (+0.7%) compared to -12.6% in 2022).

In the end, professional societies went from 1,607 to 1,768 with an increase in absolute value of 161 units and in relative terms of 10%, still less than the +13.6% of a year earlier. The growth of STPs in the central regions was good (+13%) driven by Lazio (+18.5%) and Tuscany (+14.1%). Lombardy also performed well (+14.6%), contributing almost 40% (62 out of 161) to the overall increase.

“At a time when the world of freelancers is experiencing a crisis in registrations – he states Elbano de Nuccio, President of the National Council of Accountants -, the profession of Accountant, as emerges from the data of the Report, shows particular resilience. Not only does it continue to grow in number, but it is particularly dynamic, especially in the last two years, as can be seen from the clear recovery in average income. We can look to the future with confidence and play a leading role in the processes of economic and social change that await us. Let’s think about the great opportunity to exploit the potential of SMEs to effectively face all the ongoing European challenges. As accountants we play a decisive game.”

“This National Council – he adds – is determined in his commitment for the relaunch of the figure and role of the Accountant. We are aware that, to be protagonists of our future, we should be able to be central in the definition, implementation and implementation of new public policies. This requires the maximum commitment of all trade bodies, the constant presence and participation at all institutional tables, from international to national and local ones, just as we are doing at National Council level”.
