A river dried up in Texas and revealed a surprise: 113 million year old dinosaur footprints

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The path created from the exposed tracks is one of the longest in the world.

Riikka Kajander,

Olli-Pekka Sulasma

20:29•Updated 20:44

A severe drought has revealed 113-million-year-old dinosaur tracks in a river bed in central Texas, USA.

– Under normal conditions, these new tracks are under water and covered in mud, which is why they are not visible, says a park employee Stephanie Salinas Garcia.

Dinosaur Valley State Park is an inland Texas state park, but it was once located on the edge of an ancient ocean.

Most of the tracks belong to Acrocanthosaurus, i.e. a carnivorous dinosaur weighing over six thousand kilograms. When fully grown, Acrocanthosaurs were almost 12 meters long.

According to the park supervisor, the footprints are the best preserved in the world. Sixty out of about 140 traces are visible.

Rains are expected in the area, so the tracks that have been exposed now will soon be hidden again.
