A parenting expert’s secret to stopping your child from hitting

A parenting experts secret to stopping your child from hitting

This parenting expert shares his advice (based on the breathing of an animal!) to prevent your child from hitting his comrades.

Toddlers get angry with each other, steal toys, jostle and hit each other. Out of anger to express their feelings, or simply to defend themselves, children all go through a phase during which they hit their boyfriends. But how to react when you see your child hitting children in the park, or when the teacher tells us that he has hit others in the playground? The experts at Big Little Feelings deliver some tricks to prevent your child from hitting others, one of which is based onr “tiger’s breath” ! Explanations.

What should I do if my child hits one of his classmates?

Your child hit another because he didn’t want to lend him his toy? First, experts adviseApproach the situation calmly, without getting upset. Children who constantly need the attention of their parents retain the fact that “hitting will make mom interested in me”, believe specialists. It is therefore not anger or punishment that will have to be put into practice. Then explain to him, calmly, that it’s normal sometimes for him to feel angry, sad or upset, but that hitting won’t solve things. Moreover, this is not how his boyfriend will want to play with him, quite the contrary! This is the time to set limits for him by explaining that hitting is not acceptable.

Take a tiger breath to manage your anger

Teach “emotional coping skills” such as take a “tiger breath” instead of knocking would, according to experts, help your child to channel. It is breathe calmly letting his anger be heard, like the roar of a lion or the growl of a tiger. You should then hear your child “grunt”, but less and less loudly, once he has calmed down.

Also, learning to manage your breathing is a good technique for calming down in everyday life situations. When your child is tempted to hit his little friends, tiger breathing will then be the alternative to violent gestures. Later, it will then be a question of replacing this animal breathing with very simple words to teach him to manage conflicts calmly.
