5 months before the European elections, the start of the big maneuvers in Brussels

5 months before the European elections the start of the

The June elections will be held in wartime at the gates of the EU while the far right is making progress almost everywhere on the continent; Furthermore, the results of the vote will have particular importance on the balance within parliament for the further adoption of the green deal.

Decryption with our colleagues from Contextonline media specializing in European politics. Jean-Sébastien Lefebvreeditor-in-chief in Brussels of Contexte.

The difficult integration of Russian refugees in Bulgaria

Ukraine is experiencing its third winter of war, with its strikes on the Ukrainian side, as well as on the Russian side. Could this undermine Russian support for the policies led by Vladimir Putin?

Here and there, we see some signs of discontent, if not revolt, appearing, but speech is rare, the risk is great, and many of the early anti-Putin activists have chosen the path of exile. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, some have chosen Bulgaria. But integration in this country, which is very close to Russia, is not easy. Damian Vodenicharov met some of these exiles in Sofia.

In France, the unbearable wait of patients on the end of life bill

The bill on the end of life, a major project, first planned for summer 2023, then in September, then in December 2023, should finally be “presented in February” in France. An intolerable postponement of the calendar for Loïc Résibois. At 46, Picard suffered from Charcot’s disease. Lise Verbeke.

Meet one of Ireland’s most famous anonymous people

Blindboy is one of the most influential people inIreland. He is everywhere: podcasts, TVs, bookstores, but no one knows what he looks like: he shows up every time with a plastic bag over his head to hide his face. Clémence Pénard.
