Zero covid patients receive intensive care

Zero covid patients receive intensive care

Updated 03:41 | Posted at 3:33 am

full screen Isolation room at the infection clinic at Skåne University Hospital (SUS) in Malmö. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

For the first time since the corona pandemic broke out in the spring of 2020, no covid patients are treated in intensive care in Sweden. This is shown by statistics from the Swedish Intensive Care Register.

– It is of course grateful, says Johnny Hillgren, chairman of the Swedish Intensive Care Register, to Dagens Medicin.

Since the pandemic began to ebb, the covid patients who were nevertheless cared for at iva usually did not have covid as their main diagnosis, he notes.

– It is likely that we will see covid cases on iva in the future much like we see with influenza, says Hillgren.

On June 22, there were 437 confirmed new cases of covid-19 during the period from June 12 to 18. At the moment, the Public Health Agency’s weekly reporting is on summer break.
