YouTube is testing ‘subscribe’ button that glows when told

YouTube will remove a blank home page for those who

Continuing to be the biggest in the video side YouTube test the “subscribe” button that glows when prompted does.

Having thousands of content creators YouTube, In order to increase the rate of subscribers to the channels they watch, performs a small but effective test. The company, which has set up a special automatic system for this test, presents its viewers in the content producer video. “subscribe to my channel” when it says, it detects it and clicks the subscribe button. Begins to stand out with an RGB lighting animation. This feature, which will make it easier for some people to find the subscribe button, is not available to all content creators for now. The video below clearly demonstrates how this illuminated button works, which will have a positive, albeit small, impact on subscription numbers:

YouTube had come to the fore with a TV-focused step before that.. According to information received in the past few days, it is considering updating the ad display process in the TV application. For those who do not subscribe to platform Premium in the new period instead of showing lots of short ads regularly interspersed within the videois testing to show longer ads that will be positioned in the middle of the content. The company, which has not yet put this new plan into use and looks at the feedback from the tests, can make people who are not Premium subscribers happy. however, it is not yet decided how many seconds will be the long ads that will appear.. YouTube also states that they are starting to test a simpler ad countdown timer that shows how many seconds are left before the ad ends.

