You don’t just gain weight! You are ending your sex life

You dont just gain weight You are ending your sex

In obese individuals, there is a possibility of the occurrence of certain diseases and the possibility of increasing the severity of some diseases. General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Çetin Altunal gave information about the subject.

Cardiovascular Diseases: It contributes to the emergence of more frequent cardiovascular diseases by increasing problems such as obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol.

Type 2 Diabetes: Obesity is directly related to the emergence of insulin resistance and diabetes by disrupting insulin metabolism.

Some Types of Cancer: Obesity increases the risk of certain types of cancer, such as uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer and prostate cancer.

Sexual Problems: Obesity can cause infertility in women and erectile dysfunction in men.

Sleep apnea: The picture, which manifests itself with the momentary cessation of breathing during sleep at night, is much more common in obese individuals.

Joint Problems: Obesity especially increases the load on the knees and causes damage to the knees and osteoarthritis tables called calcification.

Severe COVID-19 Findings: Obese individuals are more likely to suffer from Covid-19 and enter intensive care.


A perception of physical inadequacy may occur in obese individuals, and they may also face social discrimination. For this reason, they may not want to do many things that they loved to do in public places by choosing social isolation. In addition, this situation can cause depression, failure in business life, feelings of shame and guilt.



Whether you are normal weight, obese or overweight, you need to follow the same strategies to lose weight and maintain it. Regular exercise, paying attention to eating habits and portions are common concepts that should be in the processes of losing weight and maintaining weight.

Regular Exercise: Regular exercise will speed up your metabolism and increase the amount of calories you burn. The physical activity you plan should be sustainable. Therefore, the physical activity you choose should give you pleasure and be a part of your life.

Healthy eating: Your diet can be based on moderate amounts of vegetables, fruits, unprocessed animal products, and whole grains. It’s important to stay away from processed foods, sugary drinks, packaged foods, calorie-packed foods, and simple carbohydrates and alcohol. Remember that your stomach is not garbage and you don’t have to eat every food you see or offer.

Keeping a Nutrition Diary: By keeping a nutrition diary, you will be able to understand that what you consume increases your carbohydrate cravings, what you consume, you cannot control your appetite, and what emotional states disrupt your diet. After a while, you realize that certain patterns are formed, and you can develop strategies in this regard.

Regular Weight Tracking: Studies have shown that people who weigh at least once a week are more successful in maintaining their weight. Therefore, regularly monitor your weight.

Be consistent: Disrupting your diet with sentences like today is a holiday, today is Sunday may interrupt the process after a while. Therefore, try to continue as much as possible without disturbing your diet.
