Parties want to see new climate requirements on agriculture

Parties want to see new climate requirements on agriculture



full screen Five out of eight parties want stricter climate requirements for agriculture. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Five out of eight parties want to see new climate requirements for agriculture, according to Ekot’s survey before the European Parliament elections.

On the yes list for new laws and regulations to reduce climate emissions from agriculture are the red-green parties and the Liberals, while the right-wing parties say no, according to Ekot’s survey.

– All sectors in Europe must drastically reduce their emissions, and that also applies to agriculture. Therefore, we must once again stimulate the transition to fossil-free agriculture, says the Green Party’s EU parliamentarian Per Holmgren.

The Christian Democrats believe that the farmers’ regulatory burden is already too great and needs to be reduced, and the Sweden Democrats believe that more regulations can reduce food production, according to the survey.

Agriculture accounts for 10 percent of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions.
