X-Men maker should take on new film, but without fans’ desired crew

X Men maker should take on new film but without fans

While there are many different series in the Star Trek cosmos, it is on the Film side much more complicated become an estimate of what one can expect. Since 2016’s Star Trek Beyond, fans have been waiting for a fourth film featuring the Kelvin timeline’s Enterprise crew. A project that various people have sunk their teeth into.

In addition to the sci-fi sequel, which somehow can’t be beamed out of development hell, there was even talk of an R-rated Trek film by Quentin Tarantino. But now things are completely different.

Star Trek confusion: Does X-Men maker Simon Kinberg break the sci-fi curse?

As the Hollywood Reporter reports, Simon Kinberg is now on board with the Star Trek film, which Andor director Toby Haynes is set to shoot based on a script by Seth Grahame-Smith. However, as some had hoped, this is not the fourth film with Chris Pine and Co., but rather a prequel that once again looks into the past of the distant future. That much was already known.

If all goes according to plan, Kinberg could become the Alex Kurtzman of the film side of Star Trek. As series captain, Kurtzman oversees the Paramount+ formats that have made up the current era of the franchise since Star Trek: Discovery.


The Enterprise crew of the Kelvin timeline

Since X-Men: The Last Stand, Kinberg has been involved in the mutant melee as a writer, producer and, in the case of X-Men: Dark Phoenix, even director. He also worked on the remake of The Twilight Zone and was a creative consultant on Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens. So he has plenty of sci-fi credentials.

But nothing is set in stone yet. What could throw the new Star Trek film off course again would be the potential sale of Paramount to Sony, for example.

What will the new Star Trek movie be about?

In the Star Trek film by Haynes and Kinberg, we look to a time long before the Enterprise adventures from the Kelvin timeline. It’s supposed to be about the first contact with aliens and the founding of Starfleet. Which of course raises the question of how Star Trek VIII – First Contact fits into the continuity. Maybe you can just open an alternative timeline again?

JJ Abrams, who made Star Trek cool and sexy with the new film series, remains involved in the project as a producer. 2025 According to the current mission plan, it is to be transported to the cinemas. A fourth part with the Klevin crew is not completely off the table yet, but the Kinberg project is clearly the priority.

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