Work: 96% of workers are looking for new opportunities

Work 302 thousand incomes planned in 2023 from core cultural

(Finance) – The phenomenon of “Great Resignation“, known in Italy as “The Great Resignations”, has shaken the global working landscape, generating a series of unprecedented transformations. In 2022, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Labor regarding mandatory communications, almost 2.2 million resignations, marking an increase of 13.8% compared to the million and 930 thousand in 2021. The survey echoes this trend “New Year, New Career” by, according to which in 2023 as many as 96% of workers were looking for a new job position. The main reasons include the need for a higher income (40%), unemployment (35%), lack of growth opportunities (34%), and a toxic work environment (25%).

The idea of ​​abandoning one’s job, more often than not, is pervaded by a series of risks And fears. Give up familiarity of a stable environment, to one’s work routine, to long-time colleagues requires careful and thoughtful evaluation. However, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to new possibilities for growth and accomplishments, especially in light of the changes that have occurred during pandemic and the adoption of smart working. Events that contributed to redefining priorities, both personal and professional. In fact, new models of companies are emerging that pose the well being and the growth of employees at the center of their actions, creating a healthy and virtuous working environment.

On the contrary, a toxic work environment, can have serious repercussions on the lives of workers, negatively influencing their mental health and quality of life. A question therefore arises: how to recognize and, consequently, avoid a toxic company, especially if you are looking for a new job?

“In a work environment, the quality of leadership is crucial – he says Alessandro Da Col Mindset and Executive Coach and co-founder, together with Alessandro Pancia, of the Accademia Crescita Personale Meritidiesserefelice – often, toxic atmospheres derive from inadequate management. An effective leader not only intervenes promptly in the face of behaviors that are harmful to the team, but also acts as a role model, motivating and inspiring in an authentic way. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand that communicating effectively, developing team spirit with team building actions and creating culture are three fundamental aspects for success and correct positioning on the market. Finally, the good leader delegates by transmitting trust to colleagues, who, becoming increasingly autonomous, can propose new ideas, imagine different solutions to achieve an objective and test their creativity with a reasonable margin of error. If, however, the leader is centralizing, this characteristic is an indication of toxicity.”

The co-founder, Alexander Belly, underlines the importance of fair treatment by managers towards all employees, without favoritism based on personal relationships, but maintaining a clear separation between the professional and personal spheres. “It is therefore important to act fairly and with maximum transparency, always sharing information within individual teams, transmitting one’s know-how to new hires and respecting one’s duties”.

If the employee commits a mistake, especially if involuntary and minimal, must not be bullied, but must have the opportunity to correct the damage caused to the company. “Marginalizing a worker, in this case, can trigger negative dynamics – explains Alessandro Da Col – both because the people who work in the company are not valued, and because rivalries and conflicts can arise between colleagues who will compete not to be blamed for this mistake”. Therefore, it is essential to put into practice a healthy culture of failure and, at the same time, give fair recognition in case of success, because this way positive energy is transmitted.

Regarding the timetablesthe separation between work and private life must be respected, therefore the right to disconnect at night and on holidays is right, suggest the two experts.

In a stimulating work environment, the rust out, that is, the lack of momentum and stimulation when faced with new projects and new tasks, must be reduced to a minimum, even when carrying out repetitive work. “In this case, the secret lies, first of all, in addressing the problem with your boss and, subsequently, starting to carry out more challenging and less boring tasks”, concludes Alessandro Pancia.

(Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)
