Student spreads joy of sports through charity hockey game

A hockey-loving Grade 8 student at James Hillier School wants every kid to experience the fun of the game and the joy of sports.

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Grayson McGowan recently organized the second annual James Hillier Charity Hockey game featuring two teams of Grade 7/8 students with a couple of teachers – Dave Neeb and Graham Corrigan.

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“Reese McKellar was a student at James Hillier last year and she started a charity hockey game,” McGowan explained before getting on the ice at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Center on Tuesday. “I wanted to take up the challenge and continue the tradition.

“I’m hoping someone else will keep it going next year.”

McGowan, who players for the Brantford 99ers, was hoping to raise between $200 and $500 to donate to Free Sport For Growth. The final amount raised is still being tallied but McGowan said the game raised at least $550.

‘It’s a great organization,’ McGowan said. “It gives kids who can’t afford sports equipment a chance to play by giving them the equipment they need.

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“Hockey is a lot of fun and has always been a part of my life.”

McGowan said the benefits of Free Sport For Growth go beyond physical activity.

Sports instills confidence, nurtures teamwork and fosters a sense of community, McGowan said in a letter promoting the game.

McGowan said hockey keeps him active and helps him to focus.

The game was a no body contact scrimmage that included players of all levels.

Corrigan said McGown is an exceptional student, leader and athlete.

“Hockey is a big part of his life and he looked forward to giving back to the community,” Corrigan said.

McKellar, now a St. John’s College student, was at the Gretzky center for the game to watch.

“I’m really pleased to see that it has continued for another year,” McKellar said. “I’m hoping someone will take it on again next year to keep it going.”

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The idea is the result of a discussion McKellar had with Corrigan last year. At the time, they were thinking about a student versus teacher charity game.

“We thought it would be a fun way to raise money for an organization that supports local sports,” McKellar said.

McKellar played house league hockey last year and for the St. John’s College Green Eagles girls’ team. Before that, McKellar played in Ancaster.

Free Sport For Growth was established by Ross Enslev and Dave Levac as a way to encourage kids to get active and play in neighborhood parks.

Levac, a former Brantford-Brant MPP, was a teacher before entering politics and Enslev is a retired teacher and coach. Both have seen the value of outdoor play for child development.

Supported by volunteers, Free Sport For Growth has collected hockey sticks, skates, jerseys, and other sports equipment including baseball bats and gloves which have since been distributed to about 150 kids.

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