Work, 302 thousand incomes planned in 2023 from “core” cultural and creative businesses

Work 302 thousand incomes planned in 2023 from core cultural

(Finance) – In 2023 the businesses cultural And creative they predicted further 302 thousand employment contracts, equal to 5.5% of the overall employment needs planned by companies in the industry and services sectors (+8.8% compared to 2022). The job demand is activated by a set of companies belonging to the four “core” sectors of the cultural and creative production system: creative industries, cultural industries, historical-artistic heritage, performing arts and entertainment. To these requests were added a further 20 thousand entries planned by Made in Italy companies with cultural content and, above all, 445 thousand hires connected to the companies of tourism with a predominantly cultural vocation, increasing by 23.6% compared to 2022.

This scenario is outlined in the volume “Cultural and creative businesses and professions, 2023” of the Excelsior information system, created by Unioncamere and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and analyzed in collaboration with the Study Center of the G. Tagliacarne Chambers of Commerce. A sector, that of culture and creativity, which overall has just under 60 thousand companies, which employ around 671 thousand employees. The Made in Italy system with a cultural content represents a segment of almost 20 thousand manufacturing companies that employ over 54 thousand employees.

Cultural and creative businesses are looking for highly qualified professional profiles, capable of combining high specialized knowledge with talent and creativity. 37.2% of hirings involved workers graduates, while in the economy as a whole this share was equal to 13.9%. The demand for specific experience in the field was also particularly high profession (36.3% of planned hirings against 22.2% of the total industrial and service companies) and that of figures graduates (37.8% of hirings, compared to 29% of the entire economy).

Furthermore, creative and cultural businesses require ai profiles professional both transversal and technological skills to a greater extent than companies in the rest of the economy. Flexibility and adaptation (73.6%), ability to work in a team (70.1%) and problem solving (64.9%) are in high demand. Equally important are digital skills (59.6%), IT skills (34.2%) and those relating to new technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence (23.7%).

(Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)
