Anti-fatty cough, here is the essential oil to have on hand in May

Anti fatty cough here is the essential oil to have on

It constitutes the basis of “angel water”, famous in Corsica for perfuming interiors and protecting against miasma.

Rain, cold, wind, storms… The weather is particularly bad at the moment in France, subject to a “depressive influence”, according to La Chaîne Météo, with “an autumnal feeling throughout the territory and October temperatures“. It is therefore completely normal for many of us to get colds or have flu-like symptoms such as sneezing, a stuffy nose and a wet or productive cough, with even expectoration of phlegm or sputum. Coughing is exhausting but it is possible to calm your cough with essential oils, while waiting for the temperatures to improve.

Several essential oils have an expectorant action, in other words, they help to push mucus that obstructs the bronchi out of the respiratory tract (it is this mucus that is responsible for coughing). Little known, one of them is particularly effective in freeing the respiratory tract. This oil is “an ally for wet coughs thanks to its mucolytic properties which dissolve and thin the mucus produced“, we can read in the Great Book of Essential Oils, Hydrosols and Vegetable Oils” (ed. DBS), in particular thanks to its high content of cineole, an expectorant, regenerating and antibacterial molecule.

Historically, this essential oil constituted the basis of “angel water”, a solution developed in Corsica which was used to perfume interiors or handkerchiefs, but also to protect against miasma. Did you recognize her? This is myrtle essential oil (Myrtus Communis or more commonly called Green Myrtle). “I recommend it because it is anticatarrhal (against the secretion of mucus, editor’s note) and expectorant” explains naturopath Lucille Delaplace.

► In case of congestion in the bronchi: 2-3 drops rubbed on the thorax and upper back, diluted in a neutral vegetable oil (nigella for example).

► In case of congestion of the sinuses and bronchi: diffused or 2-3 drops to breathe on a tissue

► In synergy if the congestion is very strong: do an inhalation with anti-infectious and expectorant properties. “Pour into the bowl of hot water: 3 drops of eucalyptus oil + 2 drops of fine lavender oil + 1 drop of pine oil + 1 drop of myrtle oil”, recommends the naturopath.

This essential oil is not suitable for everyone and should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with asthma or children. If in doubt, seek advice from a pharmacist.
