Women and girls have virtually no rights, people are sentenced to death without trial – a recent UN report paints a dark picture of the human rights situation in Afghanistan

Afghan womens anchors refuse to cover their lives on TV

Representatives of the former pro-Western regime, human rights defenders and journalists have been the targets of the Taliban’s repression.

According to the report, the Taliban have, among other things, sentenced people to death without trial, tortured people, and arrested citizens indiscriminately during their 10 months in power.

According to it, the Taliban regime has committed 160 extrajudicial killings, arrested 178 people without reason and tortured 56 representatives of the former regime.

According to the report, 163 journalists have been subjected to human rights violations by the Taliban.

The Taliban have especially targeted representatives of the former pro-Western regime, human rights defenders and journalists.

According to the report, women have almost no rights left in Afghanistan.

– Women and girls have gradually lost the opportunity to participate comprehensively in education, working life and other aspects of public life, the report states.

The Taliban denies the report’s information.
