Withdraws the fruit for healthcare workers: “We’re not even worth a banana”

“Furthest down in the supply chain in Region Stockholm”, writes an employee in an internal message. She writes that employees turn themselves inside out but “are not even worth a banana”, DN reports. I understand that you feel that the everyday golden edge is disappearing, we have reviewed all the different priorities and are also taking several measures. We have a budget to deal with, says Maria Ohlson Andersson, director of local health care at SLSO. To save 20 million Overall, Region Stockholm is estimated to save 20 million from the withdrawn costs. Vårdförbundet’s chairwoman Emma Jonsson believes that the decision is better than notifying staff. It would be a disaster for the patients, she tells DN. But removed benefits, such as the abolition of the wellness class as well, eat away. Our members are tired. It’s almost never their turn: “We invest in the staff” turns into “at least you get to keep your job” for those in direct care production.
