Why is the Sun rising in the east?

Why is the Sun rising in the east

Do you know where the sun rises? If the Sun rises in the east, and systematically in the east, it is because the Earth turns on itself, always in the same direction.

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It is understood that the expressions “the Sun rises ”and“ the sun sets ”are not entirely appropriate. The Sun never sleeps, as we know. It is of course the Earth which turns on itself, making a complete revolution in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, which is to say a day. As it always turns in the same direction, from west to east, the Sun always appears to us – and this whatever the hemisphere – as rising in the east and setting in the west.

Where does the sun rise?

To be more precise, it should be indicated that the exact directions of sunrise and sunset depend not only on the latitude of the place where we are but also of the season. Thus, in Paris, the Sun rises in the northeast in summer and in the southeast in winter. This results from the inclination of the axis of rotation of the Earth which also plays an essential role in the arrival of seasons.

This inclination has the other consequence that there is geographic poles of the Earth, a time of year when the Sun never sets. This period is called polar day and it can last up to six months.

Now you know where the sun rises and why.

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