Why is it natural for your child to pick their nose (and how to teach them to stop)?

Why is it natural for your child to pick their

Does your child stick his fingers up his nose whenever he gets the chance? This behavior, which in adults is often perceived as “disgusting”, is completely normal in toddlers. But how do you teach him to stop?

Whether at home, at school or with friends, children regularly poke their little fingers up their noses. And it even happens that they eat their nasal secretions! If for the parents, this behavior borders on disgust, it is against all odds perfectly normal in young children, according to Dr. Harvey Karp, American pediatrician and founder of the company Happiest Bab, reported by Yahoo! Life. Certain reasons can explain this habit, which is anything but harmless for the health of the child. SO, why is it natural for a child to pick their nose? What are the consequences for his health? And above all, how to help him stop?

Why do children pick their noses?

If a child picks his nose, this can be explained by the fact thathe gets bored Orby curiosity for her small body (…) small children are very curious and love to explore with their mouths, putting almost anything in them”, emphasizes the doctor. If they eat what they find in their nostrils, it is also because “boogers are salty and, as disgusting as it may sound, it may taste good to them.” For them, it is also a way to get rid of them once they are on their finger.

Besides these reasonsthis gesture can be linked to an allergy, or to stress and then it becomes a kind of reflex. Pediatrician Harvey Karp also notes that “If your child often scratches the inside of their nose, it may be because they have the particularly dry nose. If you suspect this is the case, it may be helpful to install a cool mist humidifier in his bedroom. The cool, moist air will help loosen the dried mucus, making it easier to expel.”

How to help your child stop picking their nose?

Positive language to encourage him not to put his fingers in his nose anymore

To help your child stop sticking their fingers in their nosesthe pediatrician advises parents touse positive and encouraging words for the child so that he adopts a completely different behavior. Concretely, instead of telling him “stop doing that”instead, tell him “Does your nose bother you?” Or “Do you want a handkerchief to remove your boogers?”. According to the pediatrician, this will allow the child to put words on what bothers him and on his needs.

Teach him how to blow his nose properly

It is also important toteach your child to blow his nose properly to clean his nostrils, and then to wash his hands. In addition, you can explain to your child the consequences of this gesture on his health to make him understand that it is not a good habit to adopt.

Picking your nose, what are the consequences for the health of the child?

Picking your nose and eating your boogers is totally unhygienic. and above all, it is not good for the health of the youngest. And for good reason, “Boogers – whether hard, spongy or slimy – are clumps of mucus, dirt, dead skin cells, other particles…and germs“, details the pediatrician. Consequently, they are likely to spread bacteria, and therefore diseases.
