Who benefits from the attack that cost the life of MP Amina Mohamed Abdi?

Who benefits from the attack that cost the life of

In Somalia, the death on Wednesday March 22 of outgoing MP Amina Mohamed Abdi deeply shocked the political class. The repatriation of her body to Mogadishu on Thursday, as well as that of another MP killed at the same time as her, gave rise to a demonstration of unity. But the death of a fierce opponent raises disturbing questions about the potential complicity of the presidential entourage with terrorism, say some analysts.

Upright, hands open to pray, on the tarmac of Mogadishu airport, there were former presidents of Somalia, former prime ministers, ministers, the speaker of parliament. Amina’s coffin and that of MP Ali Abdi Dhulul were solemnly lowered from the plane returning from Beledweyne where they were killed. All had their faces closed.

I have to say that the hour is serious in Somalia. Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble’s condolence statement said it: the incumbent president’s young rival felt that Amina had been ” killed so that justice does not prevail “. He was referring to the cause for which the murdered MP was fighting: justice for Ikran Tahlil, a young intelligence worker, murdered in disturbing circumstances Last year.

All eyes are therefore now on President Farmajo, and especially on his controversial adviser Fahad Yassin, Amina’s rival candidate in Beledweyne, whom the latter accused of being behind the death of Ikran Tahlil. Amina’s relatives were therefore quick to accuse the presidential entourage of instrumentalizing the Shebabs, who claimed responsibility for the latest attacks. ” Why would the Shebabs make a move to fix things for Fahad, so asks the latest bulletin from the analysis institute Sahan Researchif they did not work for him or with him? »

Read also : Somalia: how the shebabs take advantage of the political crisis
