Which finance school to choose?

Which finance school to choose

Finance is a growing industry, which consists of managing and analyzing the money involved in the transactions of public and private organizations. There are several sub-fields, and each year many students choose to study in finance. What are the best schools?

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The finance manager is a key part of any business. Industries, businesses, service providers, or even public institutions, whether small, medium or large, need someone responsible for managing their finances. The demand for these professionals has increased in recent years, which has led to an increase in the number of training offers in finance.

What jobs can you exercise with training in finance?

Finance schools train in the following trades:

  • financial analyst (specializing in credit, investments, stock markets, etc.);
  • finance consultant;
  • Financial Controller ;
  • financial director ;
  • customer consultant ;
  • actuary;
  • broker;
  • treasurer ;
  • listener.

What do you learn in finance training?

To meet the demands of the functions of the financial sector, it is necessary to have various knowledge and skills, which only higher education can provide to students. Among them, we find:

  • a global and systemic vision of organizations and the market in which they operate;
  • logical, critical and analytical reasoning;
  • leadership;
  • Strategic thinking ;
  • good oral and written communication;
  • ability to assess risks and make decisions;
  • flexibility and ability to adapt to organizational, technological and market changes;
  • organization and planning.

Where can you study finance?

In short courses

First of all, there is the possibility of training in two years, to students wishing to integrate quickly into the labor market. These training courses are at bac + 2 level and can be done in work-study:

  • the BTS Accounting and Management of Organizations (CGO);
  • the DUT in Business and Administration Management (GEA).

It is quite possible to continue studies after these trainings, if the student wishes to deepen his knowledge.

In university

Second, students have the opportunity to go through the university to train in finance. At bac + 3 level, there are two suitable licenses:

  • the Economics-Management license;
  • the Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences (MASS) license.

Then, the student can continue his studies towards a master’s degree, bac + 5 level diploma. There are many specialties of masters in finance, which are often selective.

Another university education option is to opt for IAE (Business Administration Institutes), which offer finance training depending on the institution.

In engineering or business school

One of the most famous ways to train in finance remains business schools. These allow the acquisition of broader skills since they are interested in management and in the business world, by involving many professionals in the courses provided.

The engineering schools are also a good option. Financial options are available, depending on the institution. More technical and more access to applied mathematics, they will train future actuaries and financial analysts. It may be interesting to complete your studies with a master’s degree specializing in finance, which will allow students to be even more attractive on the job market.

In specialized school

Finally, there is also the option of private specialized schools to train in finance. There are all levels: from bac + 3 to bac + 5. Some establishments can train in accounting, management or auditing professions.

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