Where is Simo Lipsanen, the SE man from the triple jump? The sensations that came to my feet forced me to sideline for more than a month, I already aimed for the next season

Where is Simo Lipsanen the SE man from the triple

The return of Lappeenranta’s Urheilu-Mieste star to the Games has been delayed due to a leg injury suffered in April.

There are few Finnish track and field athletes for whom winning a medal does not require setting a record. One such rarity is the triple jumper Simo Lipsanen.

With the Finnish record of 17.14 in his name, he would have clearly won medals in the last five European Championships.

However, Lipsanen’s dream of an adult competition medal has fallen due to health problems. After the SE that came in 2017, the cycle of injuries began, which has not let go of Lipsa’s grip.

– Not a single season has gone as planned since then, Lipsanen says.

Last summer was ruined due to an injury to the left ankle that came in the spring. The same thing happened again in April of this year, when the problems hit the right foot this time.

– During sports training, I got the feeling that everything is not okay.

According to Lipsanen, the tests revealed a budding leg injury, which forced him to completely withdraw from jumping training for more than a month.

– If I had continued with normal training and hitting, there would have been a risk of injury to the leg. I came to a solution with my team to calm down the situation in order to restore health.

– It took a surprisingly long time for me to get my leg rehabilitated and symptom-free. I was able to return to sports training only in June. At the moment, however, the situation is quite good.

Return to the games on home ground

Lappeenranta Urheilu-Mieste’s defecting star says that he has already moved his sights to next season, although his intention is to return to the games on July 19.

At that time, the Motonet GP series competition will be held at Lipsanen’s home field. A week later, Lipsanen aims for his seventh consecutive outdoor track championship gold at the Kaleva Games in Lahti.

– There would be a chance to get good points for next year’s Olympic ranking from these games. In that sense, there are still enough goals for this season, says Lipsanen.

Lipsanen has only been able to do normal sport training in the last few weeks. A year ago, weak jumping bases led to technical problems. The only 16-meter of the season, 16.24, came in the final round of the Kaleva Games and won the Finnish championship for Lipsase.

The constant struggle with injuries is conveyed in Lipsanen’s speeches. Realism is strongly present in them.

– I dare not promise any measurements. I hope for intact performances and balanced activities.

Medal in mind

Despite the difficulties, Lipsanen, 27, says his goal is to win an adult competition medal in the next few years.

– Such a goal can be found. I believe I can improve my record. At the EC level, 17 meters is quite high. However, it goes without saying that the training season must be successful and injuries must be avoided. If I didn’t believe in my own abilities, I wouldn’t be doing this job anymore.

– Next summer’s number one goal is in Rome, says Lipsanen and refers to the European Championships organized in June 2024.

What would Lipsanen’s SE 17.14 have been enough for?

  • European Championship 2022: silver
  • WC 2022: 6:s
  • OL 2021: 8:s
  • WC 2019: 7:s
  • Euro 2018: gold
  • WC 2017: 7:s
  • Lipsanen, who won silver at the European Championship under 23 years old in 2017, was in the scope of tax-free athlete grants distributed by the Ministry of Education and Culture for several years. However, Lipsase has had no business with them in the last two years due to lackluster results.

    – Difficult seasons do not make Plussa a budget. At the moment, however, the situation is fine. I have been able to put sports first, at least for now. The results have not caught on, says Lipsanen.
